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Canadian Citizenship Test Questions & Answers

Questions & Answers 

What are the Prairie Provinces?
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta

What are the provinces of Central Canada and their capital cities?
Ontario (Toronto) and Quebec (Quebec City)

Where are the Canadian Rockies?
Along the border between British Columbia and Alberta

What are the provinces of the Atlantic region and their capital cities?
Newfoundland and Labrador (St. John's), Nova Scotia (Halifax), New Brunswick (Fredericton) and Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown)

What are the territories of Northern Canada and their capital cities?
Yukon Territory (Whitehorse), Northwest Territories (Yellowknife), and Nunavut (Iqaluit)

What are the five Great Lakes?
Erie, Ontario, Michigan, Huron, Superior

What does Confederation mean?
Joining of provinces to make a new country

What year was Confederation?

How are Members of Parliament chosen?
Elected by Canadian citizens

How are Senators chosen?
By the Prime Minister and appointed by the Governor General

How is the Prime Minister chosen?
The leader of the party with the most elected representatives becomes the Prime Minister

How does a bill become a law?
Approval by a majority in the House of Commons and Senate and finally the Governor General

How is the government formed after a federal election?
The party with the most elected representatives becomes the party in power. The leader of this party becomes the Prime Minister

What are the three parts of Parliament?
The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate

What are the three levels of government in Canada?
Federal, Provincial and Territorial, Municipal (local)

What is an "electoral district"?
A geographical area represented by a member of the House of Commons

How many electoral districts are there in Canada?

Who do Members of Parliament represent?
Everyone who lives in his or her electoral district

Who do provincial members of the legislative or national assemblies represent?
Everyone who lives in the provincial or territorial electoral district

Who is Canada's head of state?
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (The Queen)

Name three minerals still being mined in the territories
Gold, Lead, Zinc

Which was the last province to join Canada?

When did the United Empire Loyalists come to Canada?
1775 to 1783

Which region covers more than one-third of Canada?
Northern Canada

Why is the Canadian Shield important to Canada's economy?
Mineral deposits

Where is the St. Lawrence Seaway?
Central Canada

Why is the St. Lawrence Seaway important to Canada?
Shipping route to the Great Lakes

To what ocean is Newfoundland closest?
Atlantic ocean

Where are the Canadian Rockies?
On the border between British Columbia and Alberta

Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?
Central Canada

In which region do more than half the people in Canada live?
Central Canada

One third of all Canadians live in which province?

In what industry do most Canadians work?

What are the regions of Canada?
Atlantic, North, Central, Prairies and West Coast

Which province is Canada's main producer of pulp and paper?

How is the government formed after an election?
The party with the most elected representative becomes the party in power

Which province is Canada's leading wheat producer?

Who are the Aboriginal peoples of Canada?
The first people to live in Canada

What are the three main groups of Aboriginal peoples?
First Nations, Metis and Inuit

Who are the founding peoples of Canada?
Aboriginal, French and British

From where does the name "Canada" come?
From "kanata", the First Nations word for village

What is the significance of the discovery of insulin by Sir Frederic Banting & Charles Best?
It has saved 16 million lives worldwide

What are the three main types of industry in Canada?
Natural resources, manufacturing and services

Which province is known as the "Land of 100,000 Lakes"?

When was the Canadian Pacific Railway finished?
Late 1800s

What did the Canadian Pacific Railway symbolize? 

What does equality under the law mean?
To be protected against any discrimination OR
Being treated with equal dignity and respect, and having equal rights to speak out and express ideas

What is meant by the equality of women and men?
Men & women are equal under law. No spousal abuse, no force marriage, no gender-based violence

Which two fundamental freedoms are protected by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms?
Freedom of speech and freedom of religion

What part of the Constitution legally protects the basic rights and freedoms of all Canadians?
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

When did the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms become part of the Canadian Constitution?

Name two key documents that contain our rights and freedoms.
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Magna Carta (the Great Charter of Freedoms)

List four rights Canadian citizens have.
  1. Mobility, 2. Aboriginal people rights, 3. Official language & 4. Minority language education, Multiculturalism

Name all the federal political parties in the House of Commons and their leaders
Conservative (________), NDP (_______), Liberal (_______), Bloc Quebecois (_______), Green Party (_____)

Name six responsibilities of citizenship.
Vote, help others, care for our heritage and environment, obey Canada's laws, respect the rights of others, and eliminate injustice

Name the five regions of Canada
Atlantic, Central, Prairie, West Coast and North

Which province has the most valuable forest industry in Canada? 
British Columbia

What is the Canadian Shield?
An ancient rock formation of millions of years old

Who is the Premier of your Province?

Which of the following is correct for the provinces/territories and their corresponding capital cities?
Ontario: Toronto, British Columbia: Victoria, Alberta: Edmonton. Saskatchewan: Saskatoon. Manitoba: Winnipeg. Quebec: Quebec Sity

What does "mobility rights" mean?
Being able to live and work anywhere in Canada

What is the name of the leader of the opposition in your province?

What is the name of the Governor General of Canada?
Michaelle Jean

Which document first defined the responsibilities of federal and provincial governments?
The British North America Act

When did the British North America Act come into effect?

What do you call the Queen's representative in the provinces?

For what is the Okanogan Valley famous? 
Fruit orchards

When did thousands of miners first come to the Yukon?
End of the 1800s

What is a Cabinet Minister?
MP selected by the Prime Minister and is responsible for running federal departments

Where are the Great Lakes?
Southern Ontario along the border between Canada and the United States

Which two mountain ranges are in Canada?
Columbia and Rocky Mountains

Which region of Canada is known for both its fertile agricultural land and valuable energy resources?
Prairie Provinces

Which four important minerals are found in the Canadian Shield?
Gold, silver, copper and nickel

What are the three parts of Parliament?
The Queen, the House of Commons and the Senate

What does "party platform" mean?
Plans made by political parties

Which province has the largest dairy farming industry in Canada?

What level of government passes "by-laws"?
Municipal or local government

What is a political candidate?
A person who runs for office

What does it mean for a political party to "be in power"?
To have the most elected representatives

Where are the Canadian Rockies?
On the border between British Columbia and Alberta

Which region is known as the industrial and manufacturing heartland of Canada?
Central Canada

What is the name of the Mayor of your sity?

Which provinces & territories are connected to your Province/Territiry by land?

What do you call the Queen's representative in the territories?

What is the highest honor a Canadian can receive?
Victoria Cross

How many Canadians have been awarded the Victoria Cross (V.C.), the highest honour available to Canadians?

Approximately how many Canadians served in the First World War?
More than 600,000

Give an example of how you can show responsibility by participating in your community.
Join a community group

Give an example of where English and French have equal status in Canada.
In the Parliament of Canada

Give the first two lines of Canada’s national anthem?
O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command

What is the name of the Royal Anthem of Canada?
God Save the Queen (or King)

In Canada, are you allowed to question the police about their service or conduct?
Yes, if you feel the need to

In Canada, are you obliged to tell others how you voted?
No but you may choose to discuss how you voted with others

In the 1960s, Quebec experienced an era of rapid change. What is this called?
The Quiet Revolution

Name two responsibilities of the federal government.
National defense and foreign policy

On what date did Nunavut become a territory?
April 1st, 1999

What are some examples of taking responsibility for yourself and your family?
Getting a job, taking care of one’s family and working hard in keeping with one’s abilities

What country is Canada’s largest trading partner?
United States of America

What do you call a law before it is passed?
A Bill

What do you call the Sovereign’s representative in the provinces?

What do you mark on a federal election ballot?
An "X"

What does it mean to say Canada is a constitutional monarchy?
Canada’s Head of State is a hereditary Sovereign (Queen or King) who reigns in accordance with the Constitution

What does the Canadian flag look like?
White with a red border on each end and a red maple leaf in the centre

What does the term “responsible government” mean?
The ministers of the Crown must have the support of a majority of the elected representatives in order to govern

What does the word “Inuit” mean?
"The people" in the Inuktitut language

What is a major river in Quebec?
St. Lawrence River

What is Canada’s system of government called?
Parliamentary government

What is the “Head Tax”?
Race-based entry fee charged for Chinese entering Canada

What is the difference between the role of the Queen and that of the Prime Minister?
The Queen is the guardian of Constitutional freedoms, the Prime Minister selects the Cabinet ministers and is responsible for operations and policy of government

What is the government of all of Canada called?

What is the largest religious affiliation in Canada?
Roman Catholic

What is the meaning of the Remembrance Day poppy?
To remember the sacrifice of Canadians who have served or died in wars up to the present day

What is the population of Canada?
About 35 million

What three requirements must you meet in order to vote in a federal election?
Canadian citizen, 18 years or older and on the list of electors

What will you promise when you take the Oath of Citizenship?
Pledge allegiance to the Queen, observe the laws of Canada and fulfil the duties of a Canadian

When Canada Day is and what does it celebrate?
We celebrate the anniversary of Confederation July 1st of each year

When is Remembrance Day celebrated?
November 11th

When must federal elections be held?
On the third Monday in October every four years following the most recent general election

Which Act granted, for the first time in Canada, legislative assemblies elected by the people?
The Constitutional Act of 1791

Which animal is an official symbol of Canada?
The beaver

Which of the following sentences best describes the War of 1812?
The USA invaded Canada and was defeated, which ensured that Canada would remain independent of the United States

Which province in Canada is the smallest in land size?
Prince Edward Island

Which provinces first formed Confederation?
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Province of Canada

Which province is the only officially bilingual province?
New Brunswick

Which region covers more than one-third of Canada?
Northern Territories

Which three natural resources are important to British Columbia’s economy today?
Forests, fish and water

Who are the Acadians?
The descendants of French colonists who began settling in what are now the Maritime Provinces in 1604

Who are the Metis?
A distinct people of mixed Aboriginal and European ancestry

Who had played an important part in building the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)?
Chinese railroad workers

Who have major responsibilities on First Nations reserves?
Band chiefs and Councillors

Who was General Sir Arthur Currie?
Canada’s greatest soldier in the First World War

Who was Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine?
A champion of democracy and French language rights, and the first head of a responsible government in the Canada

Who was the first leader of a responsible government in the Canada’s in 1849?
Sir Louis-Hippolyte La Fontaine

Who was Sir Sam Steele?
A great frontier hero, Mounted Policeman and soldier of the Queen

Who was the first Prime Minister of Canada?
Sir John A. Macdonald

Who were the United Empire Loyalists?
Settlers who came to Canada from the United States during and after the American Revolution

Why is the Constitution Act of 1982 important in Canadian history?
It allows Canada to change the Constitution without asking approval of the British Government

According to my experience the questions on the citizenship test are formulated slightly different, so, it is important before the test to read the Discover Canada study guide /The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship/ a couple of times or more.


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