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English page

Hi everyone! I hope all is well at your end.
Recently, I've decided recreate my blog druzy@net into an international blog, therefore both my English-speaking and Russian-speaking friends can read it.
To begin, I would like to write a couple words about me.
I came to Canada on January, 26, 2012. Since then, every day and every step, even the most insignificant one, has played a significant role in my life.
In March 2012 I came to VCC, and started learning English in ELSA class level 4.
When I think back on all experiences I have had at VCC, I realize that I gain a lot. I've practiced speaking not only in the class situations, but beyond it as well. With my classmates we have gone to museums, different kind of excursions, and hiked.  I've practiced writing letters and essays not only because of homework, but for myself as well. I've tried to describe some stories from my life in English, and the teachers liked them. I've practiced listening not only in the audio lab, but in the regular life.  Also, I've practiced being organized. I've practiced time management because coming back to school is not easy.  I've practiced how to handle my personal demeanor in many situations. I've learned about different cultures, and have practice how to understand, communicate and react being in the company people of different cultures. I have enjoyed of every day being in the college. Except final test days :-).

Some people in my culture say that, if a person was born on Monday he or she won’t be happy, simply saying, they are not lucky pathologically. So, I was born on Monday. I cannot say that I’m unhappy or unlucky lady. I’m a happy and positive person. However, at the same time, I cannot argue that everything is okay with me because something wrong happens to me a lot. For example:  I can miss a bus or train, lose the last money as I travel to city, lose or wash train or bus tickets, or threw them out,  sleep through, lock myself out, I can pay for purchases  and leave a store without them, and so on. Fortunately all my stories have had happy endings and I always recall them as funny stories. There is a joke in my family: if nothing has happened to Natasha it means something is wrong.
So, dear friends, my question is, is there such a sign or luck about Monday in your culture?
Also, I'm going to publish here some my short stories and about me.

I'm inviting you to participate in discussions.

Comments are always welcome

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