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“Old Zaporozhye” is an Elegant, and Exclusive Restaurant

Hello my friends, and thank you for getting back to me.
I would like to describe to you a restaurant “Old Zaporozhye” in Kiev. There happened one of embarrassing moments in my life.
Many years ago Rafi and I went for a walk in the city center. Particularly, we went to Podol, one of the areas of the city of Kiev.
When I saw the restaurant “Old Zaporozhye” of course, I wanted to go there because I'm from Zaporozhye, it's my city.The waiters in the restaurant were very friendly. There was a comfortable and romantic atmosphere. “Old Zaporozhye” is an elegant, exclusive restaurant which serves European, Ukrainian food, and a wide variety of fish and sea food. You can order a half prepared meat (with blood) or legs of frogs. Whatever you want. 
Even before, learning  the prices I  understood that our dinner would be quite expensive. We didn't want to eat meat because we had had lunch recently and decided to order sea food for dinner. So, I remember that we ate some dishes with shrimps and lobsters. The portions were quite small because after eating my feeling was like the stomach didn't like me any more, it was  half empty. When we finished our dinner the smiling waiter asked: "do you have a discount in our restaurant?" – if my passport can be as a discount - yes, I have :-) – it was my joke.  We were in a good mood. I was confident that we had enough money, but unfortunately it wasn't true. When the waiter brought the bill, I was shocked  by astonishingly expensive dish. We didn't have enough grivnas (Ukrainian currency), fortunately we had dollars, and  paid by grivnas and dollars in total about $250. 
Eventually, it was really unbelievable  light dinner for my stomach, and unforgettable heavy dinner for my wallet. My wallet became empty and  light as well as my stomach.

If you are in that area, you can go to “Old Zaporozhye”, and keep in mind that the sea food  in  that restaurant is expensive, but other dishes are OK. 
It’s worth  visiting. I'm sure, you will like it.

Comments are always welcome :-)

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